Our work mainly focus on two activities that are Intellectual Property Education and Intellectual Property pro-bono.

Intellectual property and technology transfer education and awareness: Inadequate skills for intellectual property and technology transfer negatively affect the creators and researchers and that’s why it is important to empower them with that skills needed for them and that enables them to benefit from their innovative works.

Gender diversity and inclusion: We strive to see both genders considered in the field of creativity and innovation. In particular, we work hard to encourage and support women to be represented with high number in the journey of innovation and creativity.

Providing technical support to the young entrepreneurs, universities and research organizations in the areas of patent, copyright, etc: Generally, in African nations patent attorneys are very few to the extend which many countries do not have at least one qualified patent attorney. So, we find this as a big obstacle for the development of African innovation sector. Thus, we provide the technical support to the startups, universities, incubation centers, and research organizations. The support covers patent drafting and filing, copyright, IP documentation and filings, technology valuation, and facilitation in commercialization of innovations.

Linking academia and research organisations with industry sector: Establishing a linkage between academia and industry is very important because, it facilitate the innovations from Universities and research organization to be multiplied and sent to the market. We advise and or act on behalf of the university during identifying prominent innovation stakeholders and guide them through commercialization or licensing process.

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