Team Behind The African Institute of Intellectual Property, Innovation And Technology Transfer ( AIIPITT )

Our team is composed of the high profile individuals particularly in the areas of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Creativity, and in Academics.

Advisory Board

Prof. Jay Erstling - Board Chairperson.
Former Director of Patent Cooperation Treat (PCT) – World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Geneva

Jay is former Director of Patent Cooperation treaty at WIPO, Geneva and he is Professor Emeritus of Intellectual Property Law, USA. Here’s my message in regard with AIIPITT:

African nations, like those worldwide, can reap great reward from the development of sound intellectual Property systems. An important way to achieve that goal is to invest in young people by educating them about intellectual Property and equipping them with the intellectual Property skills needed to allow everyone to benefit from their innovative works.

AIIPITT brings the initiative, drive, and tools that Africa is seeking, and I hope that this initiative will affect positively the innovation sector in Africa. It deserves wide support.


María Fernanda Hurtado – Board Vice Chair Person.
Executive Director – Global Intellectual Property Alliance (GLIPA), USA

María Fernanda is a Lawyer from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia with a Master's Degree in International Business and Intellectual Property from the London School of Economics and the University of Turin, respectively. She has built a very diverse professional profile, having the possibility of developing her career in important positions in the public and private sectors, which allows her to have a unique, comprehensive and deep vision of the challenges and opportunities of innovative ecosystems around the world.

María Fernanda started her career at Baker & Mc Kenzie in Colombia supporting the regulatory agenda of the firm with the national regulatory authority. Later on, joined the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, leading the closing of the negotiations of the intellectual property chapter on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement with the United States. Also worked for Novartis as Director of Corporate Affairs for Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. She served recently as the Director of International Policy and Operations for the Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries in LATAM - FIFARMA.

She is convinced about the impact of intellectual property in people’s lives and its capacity for making of this the world a better place, inspiring, and creating a future of thrilling possibilities.


Caroline Makasa -Board Member.
Acting Director General. - The SDG Center for Africa (SDGC Africa), Rwanda

Caroline, is the Acting Director General at The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa (www.sdgcafrica.org). Prior to Joining the SDGC/A, Caroline worked in the area of international trade promotion for many years. She started her career at the Export Board of Zambia as a market research officer in April 1999. This included conducting detailed market surveys, organising trade missions and buyer to seller meetings. Notably she led business delegations to numerous global trade fairs and exhibitions.

She later served as a Senior Market Development Specialist at the Zambia Development Agency where she played a pivotal role in enhancing regional trade and Sustainable development. Furthermore, she also previously worked on projects such as the European Union Mining Sector Diversification Programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Trade Capacity Building Framework Programme and the World Bank Governance Partnership Facility Programme in Zambia and Uganda.

Caroline holds a Master of Science degree in Sustainable Development from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies, a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Namibia, and a Diploma in Environmental Management from Maastricht School of Management in the Netherlands.


Karla Sober Riba - Board Member.
Head of Operations – Center for Intellectual Property (CIP), Sweden.

Karla is a member of the Board of AIIPITT to leverage her expertise and passion for intellectual capital management and innovation, helping people grow, scale, and transform their businesses, as well as witnessing Africa's immense potential for innovation-based growth.

Karla’s experience spans over two decades and across industries, from technology to professional services. She spent the first chapter of her career successfully in the consulting business coaching bothbusiness and public sectors in intercultural competence. She then pivoted and led AMER operations teams in a Fortune 500 technology firm in the US, and later advised in a Ventures Accelerator on issues relating to knowledge management in Sweden. Now she heads the operations of the Center for Intellectual Property, Sweden and teaches Master's students about digital platform business models.

She has a proven record of accomplishment of implementing strategies that drive positive top-line and bottom-line results. She is known for her love and commitment to driving tremendous impact that focuses on creating win-win situations. Her leadership style inspires and guides teams to embrace and execute a vision that yields sustainable benefits. Her unwavering commitment to innovation results in offerings that solve industry-wide challenges.

Karla’s educational background includes business, legal studies, political science, public policy, industrial engineering, and intellectual capital management. Therefore, Karla’s approach to intellectual assets is strategic, in the intersection between law and business.


Mr. Emmanuel Turatsinze – Board Member.
Law Lecturer – University of Rwanda, Rwanda

Mr. Yves Emmanuel Turatsinze has a deep understanding of African legal sector and he knows well the issues affecting Innovation ecosystem due to his extensive experience. His legal career spans from academics, research, to the legal practice.

As an academician, he is a law Lecturer in the school of Law at the University of Rwanda and National Police College (NPC) where he teaches different courses such as Arbitration Law, Private International Law and Torts Law; and a part-time trainer at the Institute of Legal Practice and Development (ILPD).

As a researcher, In October 2015, he was appointed by the Government of Rwanda to be a member of the Special Commission that reviewed the Constitution Of the Republic Rwanda of 2003. Also, he research and release different articles on different legal issues.

As a legal practitioner, He is the Co- founding Partner of Attorneys House and Accredited Court Mediator by the Supreme Court of Rwanda. He is Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK and a practicing member of Rwanda Bar Association and the East Africa Law Society.

Emmanuel holds: • A Master’s Degree (LL.M) in International Business and Commercial Law, from University of Manchester, England. • A Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (DLP), from the Institute of Legal Practice and Development (ILPD). • Bachelor’s Degree (LL.B) in Law with First Class, from the University of Rwanda. • He is a PhD candidate at VU Amsterdam University; his PhD Thesis is on “The role of Creditors in Corporate Bankruptcy Restructuring”.


Prof. Dr. Ayşe ODMAN BOZTOSUN - Board Member.
Senior Intellectual Property Negotiator and IP Law Professor, Turkey

With more than twenty five years of academic involvement in Intellectual Property related matters, she holds two Master’s degrees from Oxford University. Having actively participated in Turkey’s venture on the development of Intellectual Property law and innovation policy in the country, she has served as the National Coordinator for the Intellectual Property Awareness Project in Universities, carried out by TURKPATENT, the national patent and trademark authority.

She has contributed to the National Innovation Initiative as a legal expert and attended various workshops, seminars etc., both explaining the Intellectual Property system and helping to better shape it. She has served as the President of the Jury of the first Istanbul International Inventions Fair in 2016 and has been on the Board since then. She set up the first technology transfer Office in the Western Meditteranean region at Akdeniz University and managed it for four years, during which the institution contributed considerably to the development of the innovative enterpreneurship climate in this region. She has facilitated the commercialisation of various technologies developed at her University.

She has also been invited to serve as a member on the Economic and Scientific Advisory Board established by the European Patent Office, a post she held between 2013-2016, until the Board was dissolved. She also served on the international jury of the 2015 European Patent Awards held by EPO. She has also taught the Intellectual Property Commercialisation course for four years between 2017-2020 at the Intellectual Property LLM Programme administered jointly by WIPO, Ankara University and TURKPATENT. She has a number of publications on Intellectual Property law and policy, including those in prestigious international journals. She’s still actively involved in Intellectual Property commercialisation projects where she provides guidance on Intellectual Property knowledge and related contractual and corporate issues.

Intellectual Property theory and practice is a passion for Prof. Boztosun who believes that a well- designed and well-implemented Intellectual Property regime may affect the future of a country; in fact, of a whole continent in the case of AIIPITT.


Executive Board


Mr. Bertin is an Intellectual Property and Innovation Policy Expert, he is really passionate and committed himself about the development of research and creativity in Africa for the benefit of the whole communities. As a simple guy, he enjoys to work closely with researchers and innovators throughout the process of developing and protecting the products and services.

Apart from being the founder and Executive Director of AIIPITT, he is the Executive Board Member at Global Intellectual Property Alliance (GLIPA) and Co-Chair for African region. GLIPA is an international no-profit organization formed as network of networks dedicated to empower Intellectual Property to advance global communities with Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

He is the former Intellectual Property Law Enforcement Officer at Rwanda Development Board (National IP Office). His main mandate was to handle issues/cases arising from Intellectual Property Right including but not limited to the “Oppositions for the registration of intellectual properties and other IP disputes.”

Bertin is a WIPO Scholar as after quitting his fulltime job at RDB, the World Intellectual Property Organisation awarded him a scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Law and Innovation Policy Development at Korea Development Institute (KDI School), South Korea. In addition to that, he holds a bachelor degree of Laws (LLB) from the School of Law, University of Rwanda.

His experience and academic achievements in the areas of intellectual property and technology transfer qualify him to understand and champion the context of Rwandan and regional Intellectual Property System and African Technology Landscape as well.


Paul Niyonkuru - Deputy Executive Director – AIIPITT

Paul is a final year Ph.D. candidate in Applied Physics at the Colorado School of Mines, USA. His research work is in organic semiconductors, with a focus on linking nanoscale morphology of phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes to their opto-electronic properties.

As a researcher, Paul frequently encounters intellectual property matters within the context of university research. This includes dealing with copyrights from various peer-reviewed publications as well as working on patentable research projects. He firmly believes in sharing his experiences with fellow researchers in Rwanda and across Africa to help them understand and take ownership of their rights regarding their own work. This can be achieved through intellectual property education.

In addition to his Ph.D. studies, Paul holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Computer Science from the University of Central Arkansas. He has served in leadership roles in various student organizations during his undergraduate and graduate studies. Currently, he serves as the Physics Department Senator in the Graduate Student Government.